As I was finishing my blog about the wedding day...
I received 2 comments. In case people don't read the comments after they post, let me share them here:
At 9:10 AM, Anonymous said…
The whole wedding sounds like it was not planned out very well and as usual, "its everyone else's fault". There were about 2 years to plan this wedding and no excuses for all these problems accept lack of effort and dependency on others money as usual. Its almost like reading a bad comedy.
(the above comment was in response to my blog about the week leading up to the wedding)
At 9:25 AM, Anonymous said…
It's always someone else's fault and never Jaz's fault. Many people are responsible and pay thier bills and debts, she has in the past many many times shown that she doesn't. She just expects it like a spoiled child. She doesn't ever keep her end of the bargain, sorry to say but its true. If you read the blogs you can see she just bitches about EVERYONE, blogging it will only make enemies, one shouldn't blog the way she does. She must have done something for Annette to behave the way she did, Annette is not like that, she is VERY responsible. Ricky although I really dont care for him is VERY responsible. So, I ask why would two very responsible people leave her in the lurch? She had to have done something or she used them and didn't return the same friendship. Reading this blog is very upsetting for many I am sure of that. It's shocking and demeans Jazzy, her family, husband, friends, etc.
(the above post was in response to my post about Ricky and the cake situation)
Originally I was just going to delete them. And make my blog so that no anonymous people could comment on it. Then I was gonna spend my whole time explaining how this person is wrong. But this person doesn't deserve such a long explanation. And no matter what I say he's going to twist it and make me out to be whatever he wants.
All I'm going to say is this: They OFFERED to help. I didn't ask them to help. I never expected anyone to do anything. And as it turns out I was right. The only people I was able to rely on were my family. My mom, dad, stepmom, sister, brother, chicken and Jayson. And Kevin.
And You weren't at the wedding. You have no idea what went on. I haven't even blogged about the whole day yet.
So get off your high horse. You're just bitter.
At 9:10 AM, Anonymous said…
The whole wedding sounds like it was not planned out very well and as usual, "its everyone else's fault". There were about 2 years to plan this wedding and no excuses for all these problems accept lack of effort and dependency on others money as usual. Its almost like reading a bad comedy.
(the above comment was in response to my blog about the week leading up to the wedding)
At 9:25 AM, Anonymous said…
It's always someone else's fault and never Jaz's fault. Many people are responsible and pay thier bills and debts, she has in the past many many times shown that she doesn't. She just expects it like a spoiled child. She doesn't ever keep her end of the bargain, sorry to say but its true. If you read the blogs you can see she just bitches about EVERYONE, blogging it will only make enemies, one shouldn't blog the way she does. She must have done something for Annette to behave the way she did, Annette is not like that, she is VERY responsible. Ricky although I really dont care for him is VERY responsible. So, I ask why would two very responsible people leave her in the lurch? She had to have done something or she used them and didn't return the same friendship. Reading this blog is very upsetting for many I am sure of that. It's shocking and demeans Jazzy, her family, husband, friends, etc.
(the above post was in response to my post about Ricky and the cake situation)
Originally I was just going to delete them. And make my blog so that no anonymous people could comment on it. Then I was gonna spend my whole time explaining how this person is wrong. But this person doesn't deserve such a long explanation. And no matter what I say he's going to twist it and make me out to be whatever he wants.
All I'm going to say is this: They OFFERED to help. I didn't ask them to help. I never expected anyone to do anything. And as it turns out I was right. The only people I was able to rely on were my family. My mom, dad, stepmom, sister, brother, chicken and Jayson. And Kevin.
And You weren't at the wedding. You have no idea what went on. I haven't even blogged about the whole day yet.
So get off your high horse. You're just bitter.
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:46:00 AM,
Holly said…
Obviously this "anonymous" person is a rich, elitist a**hole who thinks they are better than everyone around them! When you are not a billionaire, pulling off a wedding can be difficult. You had people that volunteered their services/money, etc who simply ditched you with not a word, so that throws anyone off, UNLESS they have money coming out their azz! I agree with you 100% Jazz, posting anything to attempt to "defend" yourself against this idiot is a complete waste of time as they obviously feel they are perfect. You did the best you could do and from what I've seen/heard your wedding was wonderful! You did good and have not a thing to feel anything but proud of, PERIOD! Luv ya lady!
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:26:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know what Jaz, I think you did a wonderful job with the wedding. It was great, everyone seemed to be having fun, and you looked awesome. DO NOT let someone that does not even have the balls to let you know who it is, try to ruin your day. That person is NOT WORTH it at all. It is ppl like that who offer something only to get something in return. Those ppl do not know the true meaning of volunteer. No one needs a person like that in their lives. You know who loves you and who will always be there for you. That is all that matters. Love ya hun, big hugs
At Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:44:00 PM,
RdSxGirl said…
Wow Jaz, that is terrible, I'm so sorry that you had to put up wiht an idiot like that. I'm glad you're not letting it get you down, you don't need that at all!
PS you need to post RSS feeds for both of your blogs--make it easier for my forgetful little mind to read your updates!!
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