Wedding Day Recap
I know it's been way overdue to tell about the wedding day but I just didn't have it in me to relive it yet. But yesterday (or was it Tuesday) I got a phone call from Renee apologizing so I'm learning to suck it up and accept it....That's an issue I'll get to later tho.
So Chicken and I woke up around 9 or 9:30am...I had to jump in the shower (didn't want to be stinky for the big day) Luckily most of the stuff we needed we had packed in the van the night before. We got on the road around 10:15, stopped @ a partyUSA to pick up last minute items (streamers and champagne glasses) & made it to the salon right on time. They did all 3 of us (me, my sister Velisia and Heather) and did a fabulous job! I loved how they did the hair! BEAUTIFUL!!! I had some crystal hair jewels I had bought online for each of us so they stuck those in too and I left some with them to put in Jen's hair when she showed up @ 1pm
It took a little longer to get our hair done than anticipated. We ran over to the scrapbook store to get stickers and cardstock and markers for the "guestbook" (turns out I could have waited to get those cuz no one used them to decorate their pics since Julie didn't understand the vision lol...It's all good tho...It gives me freedom to decorate the pages as I want) Then we ran over to Olive Garden for a quick bowl of soup....Yea....Not so quick. We walked in, me complete with my veil...They even remarked "oh! Look! a bride!" but apparently that wasn't enough for them to alert our server that he had a table. It wasn't until Chicken went and lit a fire under their asses about 5 minutes later that we even got water. And then he tried to upsell us...ummmmm NO! We just want soup! That's it!
In spite of the wait it was yummy!!! And I was so glad we did that cuz otherwise we wouldn't have eaten until the reception and that would have been bad.
We got to my mom's around 2pm and that's when I realized I forgot my corset at home. So my mom raced back to Redford to get it (1/2 hour drive at least) and Velisia went to get her dress from the cleaners and chicken went to get some last minute hall stuff done. Before chicken left, I decided to try and calm down by finishing up the toasting glasses I got me and Kevin. I got these HUGE novelty champagne glasses from Michael's that are supposed to be used as vases but I was gonna use them for our toasting glasses. So I go in the back room @ my mom's to grab them...And we hear "clink clink clink" I start bawling. One of the glasses is broken.
So we grab 2 of the plastic glasses we just bought and chicken leaves to get the hall stuff done and wash her van while I pretty up the plastic glasses and then start on my makeup and get my underthings on (petticoat and nylons). We have a mad dash to get everyone ready, my mom makes it back @ 3pm so we rush me into my dress & chicken laces me up. We're out the door by around 3:30pm.
We get to the site late (obviously) and the photographer is there to take pics. He gets some nice ones. You can check them out here (pass is JAZMYN ... All in caps)

Renee and Jennifer aren't there yet. (Jen is my bridesmaid, Renee is her sister and the mother of the flowergirls Zoe and Wyn. ) so we get out and walk partway down the path to the bridge to get ready to walk over. It's around 4pm at this time. People are getting antsy on the other side of the bridge. We wait WAY too long for Jen and Renee to show up. Finally we make the executive decision @ 4:30pm to start....Velisia is almost to the top of the bridge when Bob (my brother...Jen's husband) comes running over that they're here and someone better go by the road or they'll miss us. So Velisia runs in her heels all the way to the road and then almost to the park entrance...Doesn't see them....Comes back to the path and waits...It's another 5-8 minutes before they show up and they calmly park the car and come walking slowly up the path. Like they have all the time in the world.
And that, my friends, is when I lost it. I started swearing like a sailor "WHAT THE FUCK!?! YOU'RE FUCKING AN HOUR AND FUCKING 10 MINUTES LATE TO MY FUCKING WEDDING!!" (or something to that effect....Exact words got lost on me) I'm surprised the people on the other side of the bridge didn't hear me. Luckily they were playing music and fending off the tent/chair people who had shown up @ 4:30pm to retrieve everything (we should have been done) So Velisia comes over to me and hugs me as Jen and Renee pass by and I say Okay...Let's get moving...And Renee has the NERVE to say "ALREADY? I wanted to be on the other side of the bridge when they came over"
ALREADY?!?!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?! ALREADY! I almost lose it again, but we get the show on the road and get across the bridge and it looks beautiful and the guys look fabulous.
The flowergirls stop dead right in front of me about 10 feet from where Kevin is standing so everyone is urging them forward. I can't remember if it was Velisia or Chicken that told me they were scared I was going to kill them cuz they stopped. They just wanted to get them out of my way.
And we finally get the ceremony started.
Jayson did a fabulous job! I was crying almost the whole time and he almost started crying a couple times. I warned him not to:p~
OH! Here's a nice pic of all the bridesmaid shawls. I handmade them all. I wasn't all that impressed with them when I made them, but when they put them on they all looked so good! I only had 2 complaints (mine) that I would have made Velisia's a little smaller and Jen's a little bigger.
So...The ceremony got underway and we went thru all the traditions with Jayson explaining them all. Which later Kevin told me his uncles and aunts especially liked cuz they've seen a ceremony with the traditions done but didn't understand what they exactly meant. Jayson's gonna give me a copy of the ceremony he used so I can better explain them (cuz I did tons of research online to find out what they meant and where they went in the ceremony) so forgive me the short definitions for now.
Kevin's Aunt Sue with the wedding shawl (symbolizes unity):
Kevin's dad (representing both his parents) with the Bible:
My cousin Jose presenting us with the lasso (symbolizes togetherness in love and faith...Put on before the vows and worn during):
The presentation of the rings:
Funny story. My sister was in charge of Kevin's ring. She had put it on her thumb so she wouldn't lose it. My sister is one of the most responsible people I know, so I didn't give it a second thought. Well, when it was time to present each other with the rings I reach over to my sister to get Kevin's and she says "the ring is in the car." and hands me her Marine ring...Which isn't even big enough to fit on Kevin's pinky. So I turn to Kevin and say "it's in the car...Just pretend" and slip it on his pinky and he holds it there like it's the real thing...And somehow slips it off a bit later. Apparently no one could tell except Jayson and Joey (and Velisia and Chicken knew of course).
After the ceremony when we're across the bridge we find out that when Velisia went to get Jen's bouquet from the van, she grabbed my throwaway bouquet by mistake. She flung it down and grabbed Jen's, but in doing so she lost the ring in the back of the van. However, she didn't notice it wasn't on her thumb until when she was at the top of the bridge and the ceremony was about to start (she was the first girl over the bridge) That's when she started to panic. She said she almost ran back to the van at this time. Kevin said he saw her stop at the top of the bridge. Chicken noticed and I guess Velisia communicated to her that she didn't have the ring (at this time she didn't know it was forsure in the van...Hell she didn't even know for sure when she told me...She was just praying it was and that she hadn't lost it on the path somewhere and a squirrel had a nice golden lunch) So Chicken was looking down for it along the path and on the bridge. Kevin said he just thought she was being funny walking across the bridge...Like maybe it was her sexy walk or something. Nope. It was the "OMG please let me find the ring" walk.
So the whole ceremony all Velisia could do was panic and pray that I wouldn't be upset about it. And come up with the plan to use her Marine ring (since Kevin's a marine too). And I wasn't upset. Well, mostly cuz she told me she knew where it was. If I had known that she might have dropped it on the path I might not have been so calm lol. But in the end she found it and we all had a good laugh.

This was when I was reading my vows. I wrote them as I was getting my hair did that morning at the salon and finished them at Olive Garden while we were waiting for the waiter. Kevin had me in a panic cuz he had been working on his for months. But I knew that I would be able to find the right words when it came time. I didn't want to overthink myself. (at least that's the story I'm sticking to. It had nothing to do with me usually being a horrid procrastinator) When I read them I changed the wording a bit but I can't remember where (now...It's been over a month lol) so this is from my written copy.
My vows:
When I met you it changed my life forever. When I found you I found the missing part of my soul. The man I want to spend the rest of my life with. You complete me.
We've been through so much together. Lots of good as well as bad. And today we're even stronger in our love and commitment to each other than ever. Becoming your wife today is the ultimate happiness. I love you.
Today I vow to love and honor you. To share my life with you completely. To be there when you need me.
To lift you up when you are down. To hold you when you falter. To be your best friend. Til death do us part.
When we met I was an empty shell. Void of love, void of happiness, incomplete. You took me in and filled the voids with all the love and understanding you had to give. Because of you I'm the man I was meant to be. This is the man I offer to you now. Full of love, full of confidence, and full of admiration for you. Til death and beyond I will always be yours.
After this Chicken sang her beautiful song.

"When God Made You"
by Newsong
Its always been a mystery to me
How two hearts can come together
And love can last forever
But now that I have found you, I believe
That a miracle has come
When God sends the perfect one
Now gone are all my questions about why
And Ive never been so sure of anything in my life
I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me
I promise that wherever you may go
Wherever life may lead you
With all my heart Ill be there too
From this moment I want you to know
Ill let nothing come between us
And I will love the ones you love
Now gone are all my question about why
And Ive never been so sure of anything in my life
I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me
He made the sun He made the moon
To harmonize in perfect tune
One cant move without the other
They just have to be together
And that is why I know its true
Youre for me and Im for you
Cause my world just cant be right
Without you in my life
I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me
He mustve heard every prayer Ive been praying
Yes He knew everything I would need
When God made you
When dreams come true
When God made you
He mustve been thinking about me
(go here to hear the song and pay no attention to the video)
She sang beautifully. There's a pic of me, kevin and Jayson looking at her and me and Jay are smiling...cuz she's our Chicken!!! But I don't really like that pic cuz I look preggers cuz of the angle of the way it was taken. (i need to photoshop out my belly lol)
After that Jay wrapped up the ceremony and ended with a native american blessing and then we had our first kiss as husband and wife

I think after this kiss was the first time I finally started to relax. In order to make a dramatic exit we went back across the bridge
We spent a little time on the other side of the bridge hugging and talking. We were gonna have some adult beverages over there but Kevin forgot them (which prolly ended up okay cuz technically you aren't supposed to have any in the park anyway). It was during this time we heard the ring story and i believe my sister raced to the van to make sure the ring was there and gave it to Kevin and took her own ring back.
After a few minutes we went back over the bridge and people threw wedding rice and released the gorgeous butterflies my sister and hur hubby got for us:
This is a pic afterwards on the ledge of the gazebo...aren't they gorgeous?
This is a pic of them in th air with my cousin Josh and Jayson's mom in the bg...the butterfly is the orange spot.
We chatted and had a nice time for a few...then got right to a bunch of picture taking. While we were taking pics some peeps (i think Velisia Angie andChicken) went back to decorate the van.
Here are a few of my faves:
(to be added when blogger decides to be nice to me)
And that's it (for now) I'm moving onto part 2....The Reception.
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