My fabulous weekend
One of my best friends in the whole wide world, Heather (a.k.a. Chicken) came up this weekend to be with me and do wedding stuff. I was so honored. It was so much fun! She got here Friday evening. We caught up a bit and went to the bar for karaoke (she didn't sing :( she has such a great voice) and stayed up way too late talking and having a couple beers.
Saturday we woke up around 10am. My mom and my cousin Angie also came over and I ran a little wedding sweatshop producing jordan almond favors. I must tell you that before all this I was cutting paper like a madwoman to get the tags for the maracsa done and the "day after picnic" invitations cut just right (they still have to be assembled)...(i can't find my camera or I'd have all kinds of pics...i have to find it today) Chicken wrapped the lamonds in the tulle circles, i cut ribbon (for awhile..until i had to take a shower) Angie and my mom tied the burgundy ribbon onto the packages. We got over 80 done! I found out I didn't get enough silver cord for my maraca tags, so we did a few before we went for my final fitting at david's bridal @ 2pm. I had a whole crew there with me...Julie & the boys, Aunt Sue, my mom and Chicken. The dress fit perfectly except the hem (which I now wish I had kept cost $120 just to hem it..another $35 to bustle) I tried on the jewelry to go with it. I'm still not 100% sure on what I'm going with...but I'm leaning towards the small v-shaped crystal necklace Aunt Sue is letting me borrow. The earrings are also V shaped and have a row of blue crystals (my something borrowed AND something blue) I looked gorgeous. I'm not even worried about being fat. I also tried my veil on with it...perfect! and the tulle we got to make a wrap...gorgeous! Chicken took it home with her to make it (cuz she's my costuming genius)
After the fitting we went downriver to see the wedding site and the hall. I don't think chicken was much impressed with the hall, but that's okay. I love it. She also made a good point about the wedding site in that there's big metal poles in front of the bridge (to keep cars from driving over it as it's wide) that we're going to need to decorate somehow.
Then we came home to take a small nap before our night. I had tickets to see the Violent Femmes!!!!! IN royal oak at the royal oak music theatre. It's a small venue and we got there just in time to get GREAT seats! Well not seats...but a spot to stand on some riser step things that we could sit on. The opening guy (man incorporated) was okay...all his songs were about a minute long and totally punk...the 2nd band..which we both thought was the femmes cuz we didn't realize there were 2 opening bands...totally sucked! The guy kinda sounded like the femmes lead singer and they didn't introduce themselves at i was totally bummed thinking the femmes had a new sound blah blah blah...wasn't until about 4 songs in they finally talked to the audience and said "we'd like to that the violent femmes for letting us play for you we're blah blah blah" (i can't remember) so Chicken and I both breathed a sigh of relief and sat down for the rest of their set. They were so bad. All thier songs sounded the same. It was like one long 45 minute song. BLECH!
The femmes were amazing! I was amazed at how many songs I remembered (besides the regular "kiss off" "Blister in the Sun" and "add it up" They played Blister like 4 songs in...they ended their set with Add it up and encored with Kiss off.
So we left the concert totally deaf (and loving it) and came home to eat something before meeting kevin up at the bar for some drinks. We came home and chatted and watched some TV until Chicken fell asleep.
She left the next morning around 11:30am. She's gonna be herethe day before the wedding when she comes up. I'm so glad! I miss her so much!
So my mom came by Sunday evening and we did more maraca tags, cut paper for the invitations, and figured out the label sizes for the invitations. She's supposed to come back by tomorrow I think to help some more.
Today I printed out all the response cards. I'm putting those in envelopes and putting stamps on half (we're still not completely sure on how many invitations we're sending out) then I'm assembling the last of the jordan almond bags and the invitations for the day after party. Tonight Kevin is going to approve the wording and design of the invitations so I can print them out and assemble those tomorrow.
I"M GETTING SO EXCITED!!!!!We only have a couple more things to purchase for the wedding ... mostly decorations...and we're home free!
OH! for transportation we decided to go with everyone driving them selves pretty much and we're going to rent a nice car for us to drive in. It will be much cheeper than renting a party bus or even a couple mini-vans.
We wet to my dad's Monday for dinner and to get addresses. Good news...the drama over my Aunt Kim and Grandma Liz is done. Apparently Liz isn't gonna come so Aunt Kim is (yay). They gave me a short list of about 13 addresses. So much nicer than my mom's. They were giving me people I don't know. Seriously. My papa asked me to invite "hector Pardo" I told him I don't know him. I dont' know any Pardos. "sure you do" is his reply" your mom and Joe went to his 50th birthday party a couple years ago" oh yeah! That pardo (insert sarcasm) Seriously! We're paying for everything ourselves ... well most of it ourselves... I'm not inviting every tom dick and Jose that might be distantly related to me. So we're weeding thru everything tonight and tomorrow. Invites are going out this weekend. FINALLY!
And we still haven't gotten our credit back from that invitations lady...nor did we get our invitations.
We DID get our personalized champange glasses, personalized cake knife and server set, reception card box, wedding mints and mardi gras beads and masks (for the next day party) today!
WO allmyblog pots lately ar so long! I'm so sorry! If you made it down this far I applaud you *hugs* I have more to say but I have to get back to invitation stuff
Saturday we woke up around 10am. My mom and my cousin Angie also came over and I ran a little wedding sweatshop producing jordan almond favors. I must tell you that before all this I was cutting paper like a madwoman to get the tags for the maracsa done and the "day after picnic" invitations cut just right (they still have to be assembled)...(i can't find my camera or I'd have all kinds of pics...i have to find it today) Chicken wrapped the lamonds in the tulle circles, i cut ribbon (for awhile..until i had to take a shower) Angie and my mom tied the burgundy ribbon onto the packages. We got over 80 done! I found out I didn't get enough silver cord for my maraca tags, so we did a few before we went for my final fitting at david's bridal @ 2pm. I had a whole crew there with me...Julie & the boys, Aunt Sue, my mom and Chicken. The dress fit perfectly except the hem (which I now wish I had kept cost $120 just to hem it..another $35 to bustle) I tried on the jewelry to go with it. I'm still not 100% sure on what I'm going with...but I'm leaning towards the small v-shaped crystal necklace Aunt Sue is letting me borrow. The earrings are also V shaped and have a row of blue crystals (my something borrowed AND something blue) I looked gorgeous. I'm not even worried about being fat. I also tried my veil on with it...perfect! and the tulle we got to make a wrap...gorgeous! Chicken took it home with her to make it (cuz she's my costuming genius)
After the fitting we went downriver to see the wedding site and the hall. I don't think chicken was much impressed with the hall, but that's okay. I love it. She also made a good point about the wedding site in that there's big metal poles in front of the bridge (to keep cars from driving over it as it's wide) that we're going to need to decorate somehow.
Then we came home to take a small nap before our night. I had tickets to see the Violent Femmes!!!!! IN royal oak at the royal oak music theatre. It's a small venue and we got there just in time to get GREAT seats! Well not seats...but a spot to stand on some riser step things that we could sit on. The opening guy (man incorporated) was okay...all his songs were about a minute long and totally punk...the 2nd band..which we both thought was the femmes cuz we didn't realize there were 2 opening bands...totally sucked! The guy kinda sounded like the femmes lead singer and they didn't introduce themselves at i was totally bummed thinking the femmes had a new sound blah blah blah...wasn't until about 4 songs in they finally talked to the audience and said "we'd like to that the violent femmes for letting us play for you we're blah blah blah" (i can't remember) so Chicken and I both breathed a sigh of relief and sat down for the rest of their set. They were so bad. All thier songs sounded the same. It was like one long 45 minute song. BLECH!
The femmes were amazing! I was amazed at how many songs I remembered (besides the regular "kiss off" "Blister in the Sun" and "add it up" They played Blister like 4 songs in...they ended their set with Add it up and encored with Kiss off.
So we left the concert totally deaf (and loving it) and came home to eat something before meeting kevin up at the bar for some drinks. We came home and chatted and watched some TV until Chicken fell asleep.
She left the next morning around 11:30am. She's gonna be herethe day before the wedding when she comes up. I'm so glad! I miss her so much!
So my mom came by Sunday evening and we did more maraca tags, cut paper for the invitations, and figured out the label sizes for the invitations. She's supposed to come back by tomorrow I think to help some more.
Today I printed out all the response cards. I'm putting those in envelopes and putting stamps on half (we're still not completely sure on how many invitations we're sending out) then I'm assembling the last of the jordan almond bags and the invitations for the day after party. Tonight Kevin is going to approve the wording and design of the invitations so I can print them out and assemble those tomorrow.
I"M GETTING SO EXCITED!!!!!We only have a couple more things to purchase for the wedding ... mostly decorations...and we're home free!
OH! for transportation we decided to go with everyone driving them selves pretty much and we're going to rent a nice car for us to drive in. It will be much cheeper than renting a party bus or even a couple mini-vans.
We wet to my dad's Monday for dinner and to get addresses. Good news...the drama over my Aunt Kim and Grandma Liz is done. Apparently Liz isn't gonna come so Aunt Kim is (yay). They gave me a short list of about 13 addresses. So much nicer than my mom's. They were giving me people I don't know. Seriously. My papa asked me to invite "hector Pardo" I told him I don't know him. I dont' know any Pardos. "sure you do" is his reply" your mom and Joe went to his 50th birthday party a couple years ago" oh yeah! That pardo (insert sarcasm) Seriously! We're paying for everything ourselves ... well most of it ourselves... I'm not inviting every tom dick and Jose that might be distantly related to me. So we're weeding thru everything tonight and tomorrow. Invites are going out this weekend. FINALLY!
And we still haven't gotten our credit back from that invitations lady...nor did we get our invitations.
We DID get our personalized champange glasses, personalized cake knife and server set, reception card box, wedding mints and mardi gras beads and masks (for the next day party) today!
WO allmyblog pots lately ar so long! I'm so sorry! If you made it down this far I applaud you *hugs* I have more to say but I have to get back to invitation stuff
At Sunday, March 19, 2006 5:08:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
about the metal can wrap them up in tulle ( past the normal line of sight if possible) and the get some of those long strings of flowers (from, like hobby lobby or walmart or something) and wrap that around it.
Great job! Looks like everything is finally coming together
At Monday, March 20, 2006 11:33:00 AM,
Magikjaz said…
*hugs* thanks! it feels like it's finally coming together. I think ur onto something w/ the tulle & flower garland...gonna do a practice run on that in a couple weeks to make sure it can work
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