My Wedding Plans

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I made such a mistake!

There's this show called "real Weddings from the Knot" on Oxygen channel on Saturday afternoons. I'm such a sucker for wedding shows (except the TLC "A Wedding Story"...I can't stand those) And one of the stories is about blending cultures (american and Chinese in this case) so I think"hey! This could be good for me to see"....WRONG!!!!!!

In this episode they show the bride's friends all getting together with her 8 days before the wedding and having a kind of "girl's night" where they let off some steam. Sounds nice right? Well it gets me to thinking how the friends I really want with me aren't gonna be here until the day before the wedding (except chicken...if things go well she'll be here Monday or Tuesday) And I know a week before the wedding I'm gonna be a basketcase. I even have to work karaoke @ the Livonia Elks club the Saturday before the wedding...what a frigging glutton for punishment I am!

So it makes me a little sad. Then they show the bride saying something in mandarin to honor her new family...and it makes me think "why didn't I think of that for kevin" then it makes me think about how I'm not having any spanish in the ceremony (since we don't speak it very well...if at all...altho I understand it immensely) and that makes me sad that I'm not honoring that part of who I am. But it's not really who I am cuz I'm not fluent.

Then the 2nd episode comes on and the bride is a control freak...but not a good one! She is having her guest stay @ the monsion she's getting married at and she's providing them all with baskets of all the stuff they'll need for the weekend experience (toiletries, flip flops, breath mints...stuff like that)....but she waited until 2 days before the wedding to get them all together....and she yells at the people helping her do this stuff! Then they're discussing the ceremony with the priese the DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING and he says they can't say their own vows...they have to say the vows the church wants them to. So she has a fit and walks out crying and right now (i had to pause it) her family is pleading withthe priest to basically break the rules. Here's my thought...why the hell didn't you find out the traditions and rules BEFORE you wrote your own vows. And here's another thought. Instead of freaking out about it, calm the F%#* down and regroup. Say them to each other @ the reception. Personally I like saying traditional vows. Kevin wants to write them. This means compromise for me. And I prolly won't write them until the night before sitting with fruit and chicken while I can't get to sleep.

Which leads me to how I"m kinda sad that our officiant is Jayson and he's 3000 miles away until the morning of Thursday , May 4th. I'm talking to him prolly Monday (he said tomorrow but it's Easter Sunday so I doubt he'll be available) to start working on tweaking things so it will be fairly cohesive when we at least have the rehersal. I'm sure I'll be fanatically tweaking it up until the hour of the wedding lol. But thankfully Jayson loves me and he's able to deal with me. I love my friends.

So I'm trying not to stress. I mean we have all the small stuff pretty much out of the way. We have the ceremony site, the reception site, the dress (which I got yesterday...oh let me tellyou about yesterday! it's a doozy), his suit, the decorations and favors, the cake (which I have to send Hazel a check for,,,I still haven't gotten any help from the friend that originally was supposed to pay for not happy about that...I almost didn't invite him to the wedding but I decided I needed to be a big person about the whole thing and pray I'm able to be civil about this...other than this one detail I have no issues with this friend, so you can see where it's kinda hard...but I digress...), the DJ equipment, the DJ (whom I need to call Monday to finalize some things with), the ceremony flowers on order, the final bridesmaids dresses and groomsmen shirts on order (whole other stress there), transportation ironed out and the photographer lined up. The only things left now are the booze and the food. And those are Kevin's responsibilities (with me in the background nagging him to death lol)

As for yesterday, I had a great day with my mom getting some things for the wedding. Plus we made a detour to have a visit @ my Uncle Joe's grave (it was his bday yesterday...he would have been 53...May 10th will be 25 years since he passed away). She picked up my dress! (YAY! It's in the basement as I type) We worked on the centerpieces (which look fabulous! I'll be taking pics sometime this week) and chatted. We tried to work on a schedule for the wedding....That' will be finalized sometime in the next week or 2...and I got to chat with my Aunt Arcie who is going to loan me her crystal bouquet holder for the wedding. They're planning on coming up Monday before the wedding so they can visit and maybe even help with some final things (altho I can't imagine what they would be)

After my mom left, my dad called. And here's where things got interesting. He starts telling me that people haven't gotten their invitations. I'm like "well I don't know what to say I mailed them all out. They were some of the first we addressed and sent. They were mailed out the end of March"
"well people haven't getten them yet. I just got off the phone with Mike and he hasn't received his yet"
"Well dad I don't know what to tell you."
"Well didn't you wonder when you weren't receiving response cards back?""
Frankly, I assumed people were waiting until the last minute to send them back to us. You got your invitation right?"
"Yea but no one else on the list has gotten theirs"
"Well I sent them out. I don't know what to say. I have no more to send them out again, plus what good would that do the deadline has passed. I need a final count by next Friday. Can't you just call them and ask if they're coming?"
"I guess. And what the hell am i supposed to wear?"
"I told Denise when i talked to her Monday Dad, a black suit, shirt and wine coloured tie"
"I don't have a black suit."
"Well then I don't know. You could wear what the groomsmen are wearing but it takes about 2 weeks to get it"
"Well Joe said the XL was too small on him."
"Well Joe has wide shoulders or something cuz when Kevin tried it on it fit perfectly."
"So I'd probably need a 2X if i got that."
"Why don't we have you wear a black shirt, dark slacks and a redish tie? will that work?"
"Yea I can do that I guess."
"That way you'll stand out but still be sharp loking and classy."
"Okay. Now what about these invitations people haven't got?"
"I can't send more out...tell you what...get me their phone numbers and I'll call them Monday and tuesday to see if they're coming and how many"
"Yea, that would be better than me calling"
(the last few lines are paraphrased...after that we talked about my brother's exciting news that his wife is pregnant)

Looking at it, it doesn't sound like much, but his tone in the beginning was so accusatory. Like I conspired to not invite anyone on his list. Shoot! Half the people on the list I ASKED FOR THEIR ADDRESS. So why would I not send them out? I don't understand why they didn't get delivered. We addressed them properly. None fo them have been returned to us (and i know they would be cuz Kevn's Uncle Bill's was returned to us...we had the wrong house number so we had to resend it) I was so mad! SO I snapped back. My tone was just as accusing as his. Eventually I did apologize to him saying I was stressed out and we were cool bythe end of the conversation.

MOral of this story...don't assume it's the bride's fault. The postal system sucks sometimes. It took my gf in Canada who lives 20 minutes from us almost 2 weeks to get her invitation, while my friend Joel's paramour in CHINA got hers in almost a week. Go Figure.

So I'll be on the frigging phone for all of Tuesday I'm sure.Monday we're busy. If I'm lucky we're going out to the chinese buffet for sushi. My new comfort food


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