I posted about my new parttime cat by's now moved to where it should be on my real blog.
To update you...I was pretty upset the other day...this is what I posted in my favorite group online:
I'm sorry but I can't get stupid blogger to work right now and I really need to vent. (but I plan to copy it to my blog asap so sorry for the repeat)
So, I've been planning my wedding over a year now. Things have been going good...kinda. But truthfully I don't even know why I've bothered planning anything at all. It's all falling to crap and personally i'm about 2 minutes away from telling kevin to just forget it all and go to Vegas to elope. At first people were coming out of the woodwork offering to help...I had someone offer to help with my dress...well they're gone....someone to sponsor my lazzo...they dropped off the face of the earth...the only one still willing is my friend making the cake.
Then there's the dress I really wanted...which was discontinued...which led me to my gorgeous dress I just put a payment on...which doesn't match the shirts I planned for the groomsmen...(there's red in my's not the same red as in their shirts....thank the gods no one bought it yet) ... so I choose a new one which appears to be okay (for now...I"m bracing myself)
OH! and let's not forget the fact that my dad said we could be married at his house...he lives about 40 minutes from us on the water. It woud have been beautiful. And my brother tells me he can get us his local union hall for $75 for the night. a bargain! Well xmas rolls around and we find out my dad has decided to start construction on a new garage SMACK DAB where we were planning the ceremony to be. so we suck it up and say "okay...we can find someplace else...I mean with the $$ we're saving from the hall what's a little on the wedding site" We find one that's about 15 minutes from the hall in a local park that's only gonna cost us $50 for the day (plus rental expenses like chairs and a tent etc...) ... then tonight I get an email from my step mom ...first of all telling me i have to choose between my grandmother and one of my aunts...cuz if my grandmother shows my aunt won't ... first of much drama on the guest list I'm assuming....but then also telling me that the hall my brother told me in october was going to be $75 is now going to cost us $400.
So I'm thinking of just getting my dress paid off...sending back what I can of what we've ordered...and buying 2 round trip tickets to vegas and be done with it.
a tired and furious Jaz
So I emailed my step mom that we prolly couldn't afford the hall now with everything else and I had a long talk with my mom when she came over thursday. She was telling me how much my brother paid for his hall...$4000!!!! His entire wedding cost him $8000!!! So i kinda feel like a cheap bastard for complaining about $400...but his hall included the catering and the liquor (which my dad paid for the liquor) ours is just the hall. We still have to supply the food, the alcohol, the decorations, the entertainment....pretty much it's $400 for tables and chairs and use of the place.
My mom suggested Kevin and I go to Ohio and get married this year and have the party next year when finances are a little more stable...but the point of this isn't to get married...we don't NEED to get married...I am already on his insurance, we already live together (in sin *gasp*) we want to get married and have the whole party and celebration. So to get married this year and celebrate later defeats the purpose. It may not make sense, but it's how we feel.
The mom offered to pay for half of the hall and later that evening i got an email from denise (my step mom) offering to pay half...actually the $250 more it was going to cost us for the hall is covered. That's if we still want it.
We're actually looking for places around here to see if we can get it for around the same price with more included.I don't think we will and my friend Ricky made a good point in that most of our friends and family are downriver so they might not be so willing to come all the way up here for the wedding and reception. We'll make the decision by the weekend. That way I can order invitations and get them sent out ASAP.
Which reminds me...I need addresses. I'll be sending out emails soon for be on the lookout!
Let's see...nothing else exciting on the wedding front. I ordered my wedding veil which should be arriving in the next few days. I'll post a pic of that later or tomorrow.
UH OH! I hear the star spangled banner being played! Time for football! GO STEELERS!!!
To update you...I was pretty upset the other day...this is what I posted in my favorite group online:
I'm sorry but I can't get stupid blogger to work right now and I really need to vent. (but I plan to copy it to my blog asap so sorry for the repeat)
So, I've been planning my wedding over a year now. Things have been going good...kinda. But truthfully I don't even know why I've bothered planning anything at all. It's all falling to crap and personally i'm about 2 minutes away from telling kevin to just forget it all and go to Vegas to elope. At first people were coming out of the woodwork offering to help...I had someone offer to help with my dress...well they're gone....someone to sponsor my lazzo...they dropped off the face of the earth...the only one still willing is my friend making the cake.
Then there's the dress I really wanted...which was discontinued...which led me to my gorgeous dress I just put a payment on...which doesn't match the shirts I planned for the groomsmen...(there's red in my's not the same red as in their shirts....thank the gods no one bought it yet) ... so I choose a new one which appears to be okay (for now...I"m bracing myself)
OH! and let's not forget the fact that my dad said we could be married at his house...he lives about 40 minutes from us on the water. It woud have been beautiful. And my brother tells me he can get us his local union hall for $75 for the night. a bargain! Well xmas rolls around and we find out my dad has decided to start construction on a new garage SMACK DAB where we were planning the ceremony to be. so we suck it up and say "okay...we can find someplace else...I mean with the $$ we're saving from the hall what's a little on the wedding site" We find one that's about 15 minutes from the hall in a local park that's only gonna cost us $50 for the day (plus rental expenses like chairs and a tent etc...) ... then tonight I get an email from my step mom ...first of all telling me i have to choose between my grandmother and one of my aunts...cuz if my grandmother shows my aunt won't ... first of much drama on the guest list I'm assuming....but then also telling me that the hall my brother told me in october was going to be $75 is now going to cost us $400.
So I'm thinking of just getting my dress paid off...sending back what I can of what we've ordered...and buying 2 round trip tickets to vegas and be done with it.
a tired and furious Jaz
So I emailed my step mom that we prolly couldn't afford the hall now with everything else and I had a long talk with my mom when she came over thursday. She was telling me how much my brother paid for his hall...$4000!!!! His entire wedding cost him $8000!!! So i kinda feel like a cheap bastard for complaining about $400...but his hall included the catering and the liquor (which my dad paid for the liquor) ours is just the hall. We still have to supply the food, the alcohol, the decorations, the entertainment....pretty much it's $400 for tables and chairs and use of the place.
My mom suggested Kevin and I go to Ohio and get married this year and have the party next year when finances are a little more stable...but the point of this isn't to get married...we don't NEED to get married...I am already on his insurance, we already live together (in sin *gasp*) we want to get married and have the whole party and celebration. So to get married this year and celebrate later defeats the purpose. It may not make sense, but it's how we feel.
The mom offered to pay for half of the hall and later that evening i got an email from denise (my step mom) offering to pay half...actually the $250 more it was going to cost us for the hall is covered. That's if we still want it.
We're actually looking for places around here to see if we can get it for around the same price with more included.I don't think we will and my friend Ricky made a good point in that most of our friends and family are downriver so they might not be so willing to come all the way up here for the wedding and reception. We'll make the decision by the weekend. That way I can order invitations and get them sent out ASAP.
Which reminds me...I need addresses. I'll be sending out emails soon for be on the lookout!
Let's see...nothing else exciting on the wedding front. I ordered my wedding veil which should be arriving in the next few days. I'll post a pic of that later or tomorrow.
UH OH! I hear the star spangled banner being played! Time for football! GO STEELERS!!!
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